
3 Ways Your Posture Is Affecting Your Overall Health

Your posture matters

Nowadays, a lot of people spend the majority of their workday sitting in front of a computer. It’s inevitable that our posture worsens over the hours. Our hands on the keyboard, shoulders slouching and neck straining as we try to get a closer look at the screen. A misalignment in the spine is likely to occur from these bad habits, which can lead to the following three health issues:

  1. Base of the Neck – Did you know that a nerve at the base of the neck, right between the shoulder blades, correlates with the thyroid? When this area gets strained due to bad posture, you can experience symptoms such as excess hair loss, weight gain and fatigue. Also, when those specific nerves are pinched, the pain can travel to the shoulders, elbows and other areas of the arm.
  1. Base of the Skull – When you sit with your neck in a forward position for hours at a time, things tend to tighten and bind at the very base of the skull. When this first bone in the spine gets out of alignment it can affect blood supply and circulation to the brain. Common symptoms include jaw issues like TMJ, sinus problems, headaches, blood pressure irregularities and sleep issues. We’ve treated a lot of our patients for these particular posture-related ailments.
  1. Middle of the Back – A rounded mid-back directly impacts the T5 and T6 nerves. This part of the spine influences the stomach and can lead to acid reflex, indigestion and heartburn. Many people take Prilosec, Tums, or some other kind of antacid without having any idea that their symptoms are likely a result of bad posture.

Mom knows best.

Our mothers always reminded us to sit up straight! We should have listened. The thing to take away from all of this is that your posture, specifically during the long hours at work, has an impact on your overall well-being. Having said that, the majority of us will find it challenging to change the “bad habits” we developed a long time ago. However, everyone can (and should) work to make positive changes. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are trying to improve your posture and overall health.

Sleep On Your Side. Sleeping on your stomach or back may be comfortable, but it can also lead to neck and lower back issues. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees instead.

Avoid Shrugging Shoulders. Whether you’re driving your car, watching TV or working out, avoid slouching your shoulders and rounding your upper back. This can put stress on your neck, elbows and wrists. Focus on keeping your shoulders back and down.

Weight On Your Heels. When you’re walking, running or climbing stairs, don’t put the majority of weight on your toes. This is bad for your knees and can lead to a lot of problems down the road.

Focus On Moving More. In general, the majority of people spend too much time sitting around instead of being active. This can lead to stiff muscles and lower back issues. When you’re at work, try to make a conscious effort to get up every hour or so to walk around and stretch a bit. Our bodies were made to move.

In addition to becoming more aware of our posture throughout the day, it is important to recognize any symptoms we are experiencing and to find a trusted functional practitioner who knows how to properly treat them.

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Dr. Cohoon is not only your Functional Healthcare provider in Frisco, Texas, his practice is the flagship Functional Health Center in America. Dr. Cohoon has been providing an alternative to traditional healthcare since 1995, having impacted the lives of thousands of patients from all over the country. A severe asthma sufferer as a child, Dr. Cohoon decided early on that something different should occur with healthcare, and he wanted to be a part of it. Read More